General Information

On 3rd May, 2006, MUMBAI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT PVT. LTD. (MIAL) was appointed as an independent custodian at Mumbai. As a custodian, MIAL looks after total cargo activities that is from the stage of receipt of export shipments in the warehouse till placed on the aircraft with regard to export cargo. Facilities are available for acceptance and storage of all kinds of cargo including special cargo, perishables, dangerous goods, cargo requiring cold storage, valuables, live animals, heavy odd-sized cargo. Acceptance and stacking of General and Special Cargo (Dangerous goods, Valuables, Cold Storage) for Customer Airlines is done here. The export shipments of customer airlines are carted to their respective warehouses.
To electronically interact with its trade partners MIAL has developed its own Cargo Custodian Website. Through this, Agents, Handled Airlines, Banks, Customs, Importers and Exporters can interact with the Custodian through a single web based platform.

Import storage facilities for General and Special cargo
Working Hours: 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. except Sundays and Customs Holidays.

Working Hours are extendable subject to Customs permission.

RMS shipment clearance 24/7

Cold Storage Facilities:

Facility Temerature Range One Time Holding Capacity Annual Handling Capacity
Import Cold Zone +15 to +25 ºC 860 Tons 75000 Tons
Cold Storage +15 to +25 ºC, +2 to +8 ºC, 0 to -10 ºC, 0 to -18ºC 426 Tons 25000 Tons

Advance arrangements/notifications can be made for perishable consignments on email ID coldzone.imp@gvk.com

NOTE: As per the above cold storage capacities all pre alert shipments shall be accommodated and there is no need of OK TO FORWARD/ space
confirmation from MIAL.

Storage for Hazardous Goods:

Separate demarcated area is available for the storage of dangerous goods and a dedicated chamber for Radioactive material approved by AERB (Atomic Energy Research Board).

Dangerous Goods Facility
Imports Capacity(Tons)

Direct Delivery

Working Hours: 24x7 Facilities are available for clearance of all direct delivery consignments of Human Remains, Diplomatic mail/goods, Publications, Newspapers, Life Saving Drugs etc.

  • Q 1. How to register on MIAL web portal for on-line transactions?
    A 1. Registration on MIAL web portal can be performed using URL www.amax.gvk.com.

    Approval of the on-line registration is subject to the following:-

    1. Users are requested to fill valid E-mail ID and Phone Number(s) in the Registration form.
    2. MIAL’s registration office will ascertain the correctness of the details submitted.
    3. Users are requested to change the password after the registration is approved.
    4. Submission of the hard copies of the documents mentioned on the portal. (Please refer Q 10)

NOTE: - For Registration on MIAL’s Custodian website is subject to creation of a PD Account with MIAL.

   Registration is taken care by the office of:
   CMS Department, MIAL , CSIA
   Air Cargo Complex Mumbai-400 099

  • Q 2. Is it mandatory to maintain different PD accounts for Import and Export with MIAL?
    A 2. No, a common account can be maintained to perform both import and export transactions. The minimum block balance

    required for a common PD account is Rs 5000 (Rs. Five thousand only).

  • Q 3. How do I Login MIAL Web portal?
    A 3. Enter the URL http:www.amax.gvk.com Type USER ID and PASSWORD created at the time of registration and flag import tab, click

    submit button.

  • Q 4. How can Airlines issue Delivery Order message?
    A 4. Airlines should release Delivery Order online once they issue a physical copy of the Delivery Order to the consol agent or

    consignee. Following are the steps to issue the delivery order message online:-
    After login: On the Airline Imports Homepage, enter the details of IGM Number/Year/MAWB and then click on ‘GO’ button.
    Application will display the MAWB with relevant details. Click on ‘Issue DO” for the desired airway bill, this action will send an online message to the Custodian (MIAL).

Q 5. How can Break Bulk Agents issue Delivery Order?
A 5. Break bulk agents can issue DO for house Air Waybill once Airlines have issued the DO for Master Air Waybill. On the

Imports Homepage, click on issue DO button-a screen opens up-fill in the details of IGM Number/Year/MAWB and click on search. This will display the relevant House Air Waybill details. Click on the box ‘Issue DO” which will send an online message to the Custodian (MIAL).

  • Q 6. How to generate Import Bank Challan on MIAL Web portal?
    A 6. Online BC can be generated only if the Bill of Entry message is received from customs. The mode of payment can be

    selected as either bank or PD. Once an online Bank Challan is generated, it cannot be cancelled.
    CHA has to visit MIAL counter for cancellation of BC.
    Note: -

    1. Online Bank Challan cannot be cancelled through web portal. CHA has to visit MIAL counter for cancellation of Bank Challan.
    2. Bank challan can be processed on web portal after completion of segregation report, updation of location and BOE.

  • Q 7. What is a charge calculator on web portal?
    A 7. Charge calculator enables user to calculate consignment charges online based on the delivery date.

    The user can enter an estimated date of delivery based on which the system will display the AWB details (MAWB/HAWB/Flt number/date) and charges would be calculated for warehousing.

Q 8. What can I see on Import Home page?
A 8. Import page will display the status of following events.
        MAWB No. - Master Air Waybill number.
        HAWB No. - House Air Waybill number for Console shipments.
        DO – Delivery Order issuance by Airline.
        DO (BB) – Delivery Order issuance by Break Bulk agent.
        BOE - Bill of entry number given by Customs.
        RFE - Request for examination message sent by Agent to the Custodian.
        FFE – Freight Forwarded for examination sent by the Custodian to Customs.
        OC - Out of charge message sent by Customs to Custodian.
        BC - Terminal charges are paid for the consignment.
        GP - Gate pass generated.
        GD - Goods Delivered.

Q 9. What is a help desk?
A 9. This is a facility desk for our users in cases of any difficulties faced by them online. Contact numbers as below:
    i.  Registration: 6685 1361/ 66850324 /6685 1390 (Mon-Fri from 10 a.m. to 6p.m)
    ii. Operational (24x7)- 6685 1337/2682 8431/91672 13667

Q 10. What are the documents required for On-line Registration?
A 10. Following are the list of documents required:
      1. Print out of Registration Request indicating User ID / Registration ID.
      2. Request letter from authorized signatory.
      3. Agents are required to open a Pre Deposit (PD) Account with Accounts dept. of Mumbai International Airport Pvt. Ltd.
      4. Any of the following documents:
  • (a)  Airlines - Copy of IATA / DGCA Approval.
  • (b)  Custom House Agents - Copy of valid CHA License and PAN Copy.
  • (c)  IATA Agents - Copy of valid IATA Certificate and PAN Copy.
  • (d)  Break Bulk Agents - Copy of Customs Approval.
  • (e)  Exporters / Importers - Valid I/E code by DGFT / Customs Authorization document.
  • (f)  Other Agencies - Authorization letter on the company letter head for registration duly signed and stamped by the competent authority.
  • (Please also bring all originals for verification)

For any other assistance, Please send email to cargo.imports@gvk.com and shiftops.imports@gvk.com